Our Thoughts


Blog_Check Out Lithe Lashes' New Tools, Accessories & Kits_Featured Image_Lash Applicator, Lash Curler, Mini Lash Curler_Tools, Accessories and Kits_Product Flat Lay
Nov 18, 2019
Now that you've met Lash Bond, get ready to meet our new Lash Accessories!
Blog_Lithe Lashes_The 4-Ingredient Lash Glue_Lash Bond_Lash glue/adhesive_Black bottle both sides shown in hand
Nov 08, 2019
Now that you’ve transformed your makeup routine with a gorgeous pair of Lithe Lashes®, it's time to find a reliable lash glue. Introducing Lash Bond!
Blog_Lithe Lashes_ 5 Ways to Practice Self-Care_ Featured Image_Flatlay image of lithe lashes in white reusable box, next to white/pinkish props, and makeup and cosmetic products
Feb 14, 2019
The concept of self-care has become quite buzzworthy lately but it doesn’t mean we’re necessarily taking the time to put it into practice.